Klavio Integration

Step 1:

Open super rewards dashboard, you'll see Integrations tab.

Click on it.

Step 2:

You'll see Klaviyo under Email marketing section, Click on it.

Step 3:

Here, you need to enter your Klaviyo API key.

Click on Take me to API Key, this will take you to your klaviyo dashboard.

Step 4:

Click on Create Private API Key, this will generate your API Key.

Step 5:

Copy the API Key, and go back to super rewards dashboard.

Step 6:

Enter the API Key and then, Click on connect.

Step 7:

Now, In order to sync your existing customer to klaviyo, Click on Sync Customers,

this might take few seconds.

Step 8:

Now, you're ready to go!

All your customers and their details are now synced with Klaviyo.

you can see that under list and segment section.

Last updated